Jarkka Rissanen

Jarkka Rissanen & The Sons Of The Desert: Tone Hut
MuFa 008
...It was not easy to get in touch with the N´dugu tribe, who call themselves "The Hut People"...
Tervetuloa kiehtovalle retkelle kitaravelho Rissasen retkikunnan matkassa etsimään N´Dugu-heimon musiikillisia juuria ja moderneja ulottuvuuksia. Tien varrella vastaan tulee kaikkea afrobeatista reggaehen ja bambumajasta amerikan etelän suomaisemiin. Jatkoa Jarkan loistavalle, mairittelevat arvostelut saaneelle "Tonal Snacks"-debyytille.
Tone Hutissa Jarkan lisäksi Chris Cote, Earl Boncamper, Tom Nyman, Raimo Salmiheimo, Mikko Löytty, Seppo Rauteva, J-P Virtanen, Eric Hokkanen, Esko Sorjonen, Heikki Keskinen, Annika Gummerus, Olli Haavisto, Pasi Kannasmaa ja Janne Haavisto.
Levy julkaistiin 24.10. 2007 ja sen tuotti Janne Haavisto.
Take a wonderful trip in search of the N´Dugu Tribe and their modern offspring around the world. Travel the open road from reggae to afro-beat via swamps and mountains.
A few words about
the Mission
It was not easy to get in touch with the N´dugu tribe, who call themselves ”The Hut People”. Not that they were elusive or hostile in any sense – they´re in fact top social and easy-going, even fun-loving set of people – but their almost inaccessible stronghold, the distant N´dugu Valley caused tremendous obstacles before our little party could reach the remote whereabouts of this vanishing tribe.
Furthermore, it was not easy at all to record their traditional songs, but that was the mission we had set and planned out for us. To return without results would have been both artistic AND financial disaster.
Considering that their traditional culture does not allow recording in any format, because it creates turbulence in the Spirit World, we felt quite happy after a score of three outstanding tribal songs (tracks 3,9,11) – the blueprint and backbone of this little album. That being properly done, we just sort of made up the rest…

"Sen alati vaihtuvaan mutta rauhoittavaan sävelmaailmaan on helppo sukeltaa...Vaihtoehtoista musiikkia joulunpyhiin, hyvinkin."
Pertti Avola, HS/NYT ****
"Upean albumin muun muassa bluesia, reggaeta ja afroa huokuvien tunnelmien lomaan mahtuu luontevasti myös gospelinen Glorybound."
Pertti Ojala, SOUNDI ****